

A complete list can be found here:  [HTML]

Recent Publications

Viewing Chinese art on an interactive tabletop
Hsieh, Chun-ko, Yi-Ping Hung, Moshe Ben-Ezra, and Hsin-Fang Hsieh
Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE 33, no. 3 (2013): 16-21 [LINK]

A 3D Imaging Framework Based on High-Resolution Photometric-Stereo and Low-Resolution Depth
Zheng Lu, Yu-Wing Tai, Fanbo Deng, Moshe Ben-Ezra, Michael S. Brown
International Journal of Computer Vision November 2012 [LINK]

Imaging buddhist art with a digital large-format camera: A field study report from the Dunhuang Caves
Zheng Lu, Wei Luo, Zhijun Sun, Moshe Ben-Ezra, Michael S. Brown
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH)
Volume 5 Issue 3, October 2012 [LINK]

Synthesizing oil painting surface geometry from a single photograph,
W. Luo, Z. Lu, X. Wang, Y.Q. Xu, M. Ben-Ezra, X. Tang, M.S. Brown,
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2012 pp. 885--892 [LINK],

Penrose Pixels for Super-Resolution,

M. Ben-Ezra, Z. Lin, B. Wilburn, and W. Zhang,

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI),

Vol.33, No.7, pp. 1370-1383, July 2011. [LINK]

High-resolution Hyperspectral Imaging via Matrix Factorization

Rei Kawakami, John Wright, Yu-Wing Tai, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Moshe Ben-Ezra, and Katsushi Ikeuchi,

CVPR 2011. [PDF]

A Digital Gigapixel Large Format Tile-Scan Camera

Moshe Ben-Ezra

IEEE Computer Graphics and Application (CG&A),

Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 49061, Jan/Feb 2011. [LINK]

Selected Publications

Multi-Spectral Imaging by Optimized Wide Band Illumination,

Chi, C., Yoo, H. and Ben-Ezra, M.

International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)

Vol.86, No.2, pp. 140-151, 2010. [LINK]

Video Super-Resolution Using Controlled Subpixel Detector Shifts,

M. Ben-Ezra, A. Zomet, and S.K. Nayar,

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI),

Vol.27, No.6, pp.977-987, Jun, 2005. [PDF]

Motion-Based Motion Deblurring,

M. Ben-Ezra and S.K. Nayar,

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI),

Vol.26, No.6, pp.689-698, Jun, 2004. [PDF]

Omnistereo: Panoramic Stereo Imaging,

S. Peleg, M. Ben-Ezra, and Y. Pritch

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI),

Vol.23, No.3, pp.279-290, March, 2001. [PDF]

Real-Time Motion Analysis with Linear Programming,

M. Ben-Ezra, S. Peleg and M. Werman

Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU),

Vol.78, No.1, pp.32-52, April, 2000. [PDF]