

Mogao Cave# 46 45320 x 32645  (1.48 GigaPixels)

This image was taken at Cave# 46 at Mogao Caves in Dunhunag.

The image consists of 5 different focal layers and over 1200 images (each 11M)  were used to create the final image.

This is the first image ever taken at this resolution of these statues.  For copyright reason only small parts of this image
are shown in full resolution.

ZhongGuanCun 44968 x 21600  (971 MegaPixels)

A view of ZhongGuanCun - Hadian, Beijing taken from the roof of Microsoft Research Asia building.

Summer Palace 44968 x 21600  (971 MegaPixels)

A view of the Summer Palace, Beijing taken from the roof of Microsoft Research Asia building.